This section is about your job and if applicable, the job of the joint borrower.
Current Occupation:
Description of your main profession or trade eg Mechanic, Army Officer, Doctor, etc.
Employment Status:
Your employment status will be covered in the employment conditions as given to you by your employer. Generally a full time employee is any person who usually works 35 hours or more per week. A part time employee is any person who usually works less than 35 hours per week.
If your situation does not fit the description above, select Other eg if you receive a government pension.
Employer's/Accountant's name:
Please enter the name of the company or business where you currently work. If you are self employed, please state the name of your Accountant's firm.
Contact's name:
Enter the name of the person who can verify your current employment and salary details, if requested. If you are self employed, please state your Accountant's name.
Contact's phone:
This is the telephone number of the person who can verify your employment and salary details. If you are self employed, please quote your Accountant's phone number.
Address details:
Enter the address of your employer or accountant.
Additional address details:
Enter any other address details of your employer or accountant here.
How long with employer?
Enter details of how long you have worked for this employer or used this accountant.
Work phone:
Your telephone number at work.
Employer's/Accountant's name:
Please enter the name of the company or business where you currently work for your 2nd job.
Contact's name:
Enter the name of the person who can verify your 2nd job's employment and salary details, if requested.
Contact's phone:
This is the telephone number of the person who can verify your 2nd job's employment and salary details. Please also quote any extension number if applicable.
This section will only need to be completed if you have changed jobs within the last 3 years.
Previous occupation:
Description of your previous profession or trade eg Mechanic, Army Officer, Doctor, etc.
Previous employment status:
Your previous employment status would have been covered in the employment conditions as given to you by your previous employer. Generally a full time employee is any person who usually works 35 hours or more per week. A part time employee is any person who usually works less than 35 hours per week.
If your previous situation did not fit the description above, select Other eg if you received a government pension.
Previous employer's name:
Please enter the name of the company or business where you previously worked.
Previous employer's phone:
This is the telephone number of the person in your previous employer's firm, who can verify your previous employment and salary details.
How long with previous employer?
Select details of how long you worked for your previous employer. You must select a value in years and months.