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What you'll find here

  • Home loans: Calculators and articles to help you plan ahead.​
  • Cost of living: Resources to assist you in budgeting, saving and finding support if you need it.​
  • Building wealth: Strategies and guides to set you on the path towards financial freedom.​
  • Financial literacy: Dedicated resources for small business and Indigenous Australians.

Budget and save like a pro

Don't just dream. Set yourself up for tomorrow by learning to master your personal finance.

Take a financial health check

Evaluate your finances regularly to keep on top of income and milestones.

Money saving tips

Find out where you could cut back to keep working towards financial freedom.

Budget planner

See how you could achieve your goals sooner with our online budgeting tool.

Westpac App Budget Tools

Use our in-app tools to track and trend your income and spend.

Savings by age

Find out how much Westpac customers have saved at different life stages.

7-step budgeting plan

Reduce financial stress and potentially reduce some of your costs.

Calculate what you could earn on your savings

Use our handy calculators to compare how interest is earned on savings accounts and term deposits.

Navigating the cost of living

Here are our tools and strategies to help you navigate changing living costs.

Adjusting repayments

If rising repayments are a challenge, here are some ways you could ease the pressure on your budget.

Getting back on your feet

If you're struggling to make repayments or dealing with difficult circumstances, we may be able to help.

Consolidating debt

Combining several debts into one account with a single rate could help you in taking control of your finances.

Master your home loan

Arm yourself with the knowledge and tools to take charge of your interest rate and repayments.

Level up your home loan

Depending on your repayments and home value, there could be many ways to get more from your home loan.

Rates and calculators

Check rates, get the latest news and calculate how changing rates could affect your home loan.

Paying less interest

Learn how simple adjustments to your personal finance and repayments could reduce interest charges and save you dollars.

Building wealth

Simple ways to make your money work harder and gradually grow your wealth.

How to start trading shares

Learn the benefits and risks of trading in different types of investments.

Investing in property

Whether you're a newbie investor or a seasoned pro, we can help you learn.

Get more from your money

If you have money in the bank, why not find ways to make it work harder for you?

Additional resources

Guides, profiles and tools designed to help business and First Nations communities. 

First Nations hub

Resources tailored to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customers, businesses and communities.​

Help for your business

Guides, profiles and other resources designed to help small businesses get started, grow and manage cash flow.

Things you should know

^Offset is available on a Rocket Repay Home Loan or a Rocket Investment Loan. You can link multiple offset accounts to a loan account, but each eligible offset account can link to just one loan account. If any named account holder of a transaction account is not a borrower on the loan account, the loan account cannot be linked to that transaction account.