Savings tips for students

University is often the first time students have to deal with budgeting and bills. Here are some tips to help you make your money go further.
University is often the first time students have to deal with budgeting and bills. Here are some tips to help you make your money go further.
While budgeting may seem boring, it can go a long way to help make sure you don’t get behind. Make a note of when rent or bill money’s due to come out and set the money aside as soon as you get paid.
You might also like to keep a spending diary to give you a better idea of where your money’s going and where you could cut down.
Shop around to see if you’re getting the best deal for your phone, utilities and broadband.
Switching to a lower usage plan could help to reduce monthly payments too. Lots of people pay for mobile phone data and minutes that may go unused at the end of every month.
Money spent on food and drink can quickly add up so it’s good to know what you’re spending and where you could cut down (link to budgeting tips/spending diary). You might want to: