United Kingdom disclosure documents
This page contains links to disclosure documents for Westpac in the United Kingdom.
Westpac London Order Execution Policy (PDF 235KB)
Conflicts of Interest Policy (PDF 147KB)
Terms of business with Westpac Banking Corporation (PDF 488KB)
Risk Warning Notice (PDF 372KB)
Fixed Income Securities (PDF 317KB)
Futures and Options (PDF 331KB)
EMIR and Reporting Consent (PDF 345KB)
FATCA Compliance and Relevant Law (PDF 267KB)
Terms and Conditions for Money Market Deposits (PDF 427KB)
SFTR Information Statement (PDF 473KB)
Dodd-Frank Requirements (PDF 98KB)
Electronic Trading Terms (PDF 332KB)
Investment Recommendation Disclosure (PDF 309KB)
Westpac Banking Corporation London Branch & Westpac Europe Limited Regulatory Disclosures