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Facility Hierarchy Structure Information – Sublevel (PDF 99KB)
Complete this to add/amend facility hierarchy structure
Commercial Card – Card Cancellation Request (PDF 65KB)
Complete this if you would like to cancel a card.
Commercial Card Facility Closure Form (PDF 58KB)
Complete this if you would like to cancel a facility. The client is to contact their Westpac Representative to advise what facility they would like to close.
Corporate and Purchasing Card – Cardholder Application (PDF 699KB)
Complete this if you wish to establish a new Corporate or Purchasing card
Corporate and Purchasing Card – Cardholder Agreement (PDF 604KB)
This form must be completed and signed by the cardholder, then scanned and sent to Westpac by the Verifying Officer with the completed Cardholder Application electronic worksheet.
Commercial Card - Maintenance of Limits and or Merchant Restrictions (PDF 81KB)
Complete this if you would like to amend the merchant restrictions or increase or decrease the credit limit on individual cards.
Commercial Card - Maintenance of Limits and or Merchant Restrictions (PDF 81KB)
Complete this if you would like to amend the merchant restrictions or increase or decrease the credit limit on individual cards.
Commercial Card – Cardholder Maintenance Form (PDF 78KB)
Complete this if you would like to transfer a credit balance, transfer funds incorrectly credited to a card, transfer a card to another reporting level, change a cardholder address or reissue a card.
Commercial Card - Updated Cardholder's Contact Details (PDF 672KB)
Complete this to update multiple cardholder contact details.
Fax/Email Indemnity (PDF 628KB)
Complete this to authorise Westpac to accept fax and email correspondence for the facility.
Commercial Card Insurance Policy (PDF 160KB)
Commercial Card – Facility Maintenance Form (PDF 673KB)
Complete this if you wish to amend the statement date, settlement date, change the facility name or change the facility or reporting level address.
Commercial Cards – Roles and Responsibilities for Authorised Signatories and Verifying Officers (PDF 611KB)
When nominating Authorised Signatories and/or Verifying Officers for a Corporate/Purchasing facility. Please ensure a copy of the roles and responsibilities is provided to the nominees prior to signing the below form.
Commercial Cards – Authorised Signatory/Verifying Officer Nomination Form (PDF 86KB)
Complete this if the Organisation wishes to nominate an employee to act as an Authorised Signatory/Verifying Officer for your Corporate/Purchasing Card facility.
Annexure to Authorised Signatory/Verifying Officer Nomination (PDF 75KB)
Complete this if you wish to nominate more than 4 employees to act as an Authorised Signatory/Verifying Officer and attach to the above form.
Commercial Card – Cardholder Maintenance Form (PDF 78KB)
Complete this if you would like to transfer a credit balance, transfer funds incorrectly credited to a card, transfer a card to another reporting level, change a cardholder address or reissue a card.
Commercial Card – Requesting and Individual Cardholder Statement or Company Report (PDF 687KB)
Complete this if you wish to request a duplicate cardholder statement or order a company report.
Commercial Card – Requesting and Individual Cardholder Statement or Company Report (PDF 687KB)
Complete this if you wish to request a duplicate cardholder statement or order a company report.
Direct Debit Request (PDF 625KB)
Complete this if you would like to amend the direct debit account details for payment of a facility.
EMS and Raw Data Feed Enrolment Form (PDF 646KB)
Complete this to establish a raw data feed and/or access to Mastercard SDG2/Visa Send Clarity.
Commercial Card – Cardholder Maintenance Form (PDF 78KB)
Complete this if you would like to transfer a credit balance, transfer funds incorrectly credited to a card, transfer a card to another reporting level, change a cardholder address or reissue a card.
Commercial Card – Cardholder Maintenance Form (PDF 78KB)
Complete this if you would like to transfer a credit balance, transfer funds incorrectly credited to a card, transfer a card to another reporting level, change a cardholder address or reissue a card.
Commercial Card – Cardholder Maintenance Form (PDF 78KB)
Complete this if you would like to transfer a credit balance, transfer funds incorrectly credited to a card, transfer a card to another reporting level, change a cardholder address or reissue a card.
Letter of Authority (PDF 36KB)
Complete this form when using the Electronic Cardholder Application and submit to Westpac.
Authorisation tables (XLS 122KB)
This table will show the different authorisation tables and the merchant category groups, country, time and transaction limits.
Transaction Limit and Merchant Restrictions – Annexure (PDF 615KB)
Facility Hierarchy Structure Information – Sublevel (PDF 99KB)
Complete this to add/amend facility hierarchy structure
Commercial Card – Card Cancellation Request (PDF 65KB)
Complete this if you would like to cancel a card.
Commercial Card Facility Closure Form (PDF 58KB)
Complete this if you would like to cancel a facility. The client is to contact their Westpac Representative to advise what facility they would like to close.
Corporate and Purchasing Card – Cardholder Application (PDF 699KB)
Complete this if you wish to establish a new Corporate or Purchasing card
Corporate and Purchasing Card – Cardholder Agreement (PDF 604KB)
This form must be completed and signed by the cardholder, then scanned and sent to Westpac by the Verifying Officer with the completed Cardholder Application electronic worksheet.
Commercial Card - Maintenance of Limits and or Merchant Restrictions (PDF 81KB)
Complete this if you would like to amend the merchant restrictions or increase or decrease the credit limit on individual cards.
Commercial Card - Maintenance of Limits and or Merchant Restrictions (PDF 81KB)
Complete this if you would like to amend the merchant restrictions or increase or decrease the credit limit on individual cards.
Commercial Card – Cardholder Maintenance Form (PDF 78KB)
Complete this if you would like to transfer a credit balance, transfer funds incorrectly credited to a card, transfer a card to another reporting level, change a cardholder address or reissue a card.
Commercial Card - Updated Cardholder's Contact Details (PDF 672KB)
Complete this to update multiple cardholder contact details.
Fax/Email Indemnity (PDF 628KB)
Complete this to authorise Westpac to accept fax and email correspondence for the facility.
Commercial Card Insurance Policy (PDF 121KB)
Commercial Card Insurance Policy has changed from Zurich To QBE as of the 1 June 2015. Please refer to this policy for any claims which occur post 1 June 2015.
Commercial Card – Facility Maintenance Form (PDF 673KB)
Complete this if you wish to amend the statement date, settlement date, change the facility name or change the facility or reporting level address.
When nominating Authorised Signatories and or Verifying Officers for a Corporate/Purchasing facility, please ensure a copy of the roles and responsibilities is provided to the nominees prior to signing the below form.
Commercial Cards – Authorised Signatory/Verifying Officer Nomination Form (PDF 86KB)
Complete this if the Organisation wishes to nominate an employee to act as an Authorised Signatory/Verifying Officer for your Corporate/Purchasing Card facility.
Annexure to Authorised Signatory/Verifying Officer Nomination (PDF 75KB)
Complete this if you wish to nominate more than 4 employees to act as an Authorised Signatory/Verifying Officer and attach to the above form.
Commercial Card – Cardholder Maintenance Form (PDF 78KB)
Complete this if you would like to transfer a credit balance, transfer funds incorrectly credited to a card, transfer a card to another reporting level, change a cardholder address or reissue a card.
Commercial Card – Requesting and Individual Cardholder Statement or Company Report (PDF 687KB)
Complete this if you wish to request a duplicate cardholder statement or order a company report.
Commercial Card – Requesting and Individual Cardholder Statement or Company Report (PDF 687KB)
Complete this if you wish to request a duplicate cardholder statement or order a company report.
Direct Debit Request (PDF 625KB)
Complete this if you would like to amend the direct debit account details for payment of a card/facility.
Visa IntelliLink Spend Management Enrolment Form (PDF 1MB)
Complete this to establish Visa IntelliLink
MasterCard SDG2 Enrolment Form (PDF 646KB)
Complete this to establish MasterCard SDG2
Visa Raw Data Feed Enrolment Form (PDF 339KB)
Complete this to establish a raw data feed directly to the Organisation, 3rd Party Expense Management System or a Visa Mailbox.
MasterCard Raw Data Feed Enrolment Form (PDF 1MB)
Complete this to establish a raw data feed directly to the Organisation, 3rd Party Expense Management System or a MasterCard Server.
Commercial Card – Cardholder Maintenance Form (PDF 78KB)
Complete this if you would like to transfer a credit balance, transfer funds incorrectly credited to a card, transfer a card to another reporting level, change a cardholder address or reissue a card.
Commercial Card – Cardholder Maintenance Form (PDF 78KB)
Complete this if you would like to transfer a credit balance, transfer funds incorrectly credited to a card, transfer a card to another reporting level, change a cardholder address or reissue a card.
Commercial Card – Cardholder Maintenance Form (PDF 78KB)
Complete this if you would like to transfer a credit balance, transfer funds incorrectly credited to a card, transfer a card to another reporting level, change a cardholder address or reissue a card.
Letter of Authority (PDF 36KB)
Complete this form when using the Electronic Cardholder Application and submit to Westpac.