Westpac NSW Schools requires a username and password
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From the Term Deposit menu, select Manage > Quotes
Select Get a new quote
Enter the term deposit details, then click Get a quote Now
Click Accept rate
Enter the deposit particulars, then click Continue
Enter the remaining particulars, then click Continue
Click Authorise now.
Who can create or authorise a Term Deposit?
A minimum of two users in Corporate Online are required to establish a term deposit – one with creator access for term deposits and another with authoriser access.
A creator will generally be a SAM and will be responsible for checking rates, obtaining a quote and initiating the term deposit request in Corproate Online.
An authoriser will generally be the Principal. The authoriser will log in to Corporate Online to complete the final acceptance of the term deposit by authorising the request set up by the creator.
Creators and Authorisers for Term Deposits can be created by your Corporate Online Administrator, this is generally your Principal.
Term deposits cannot mature on Weekends, Bank or Public Holidays. It is recommended that School Term Deposits are not scheduled for maturity during school holiday periods.
Things you should know
Westpac is authorised in the United Kingdom by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Westpac operates in the United States of America as a federally chartered branch, regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.