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Help to guide you through unexpected job loss.

Think you might lose your job?

Losing your job suddenly is a big life shake-up, but not all that uncommon in today’s uncertain environment. We’re here to help.

Managing job loss

The day you find out you’re losing your job is a day filled with mixed emotions. We’re here to guide you, whatever you decide your next step will be.

How to Cope with Being Made Redundant

After the shock of being made redundant, what do you do next? Navigate your next steps with us.

Employment termination payment

Losing your job or being made redundant can be a confusing and uncertain time. You may be entitled to an employment termination payment.

Preparing for your next role

Help with your finances

We understand that a reduction in hours or losing your job, in times of uncertainty, may cause financial pressure. We can help.

Preparing for your next job

Once the shock has subsided, it’s time to focus on what you’ll do next. This is your time and we’re here to help you make the most of it.

Upskilling and retraining

Add value to what you already know, your future self will thank you. Check out our guide to acquiring new skills.

Tools and resources

Download the job loss support guide (PDF 472KB) - a guide designed to help you through the stages involved in losing a job.