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How to move out of home in 8 easy steps

Westpac can help you understand all the moving parts when moving out of home and ways to manage your money wisely.

March 2021 – 5 minute read

Key takeaways from this article:

  • The 8 steps to move out of home
  • Tools to help you understand your finances
  • How to find a place and set yourself up


Young couple moving out of home

So, you’re ready to leave the nest.

Moving out of your childhood home and into the world can be a daunting experience. While it can be a foreign feeling at first, you will soon grow to love your newfound independence. But before you get there, there’s a fair bit of leg work that you need to do.

We’ve done our best to simplify the process and split it out into 8 easy to follow steps. Check them out below.

1. Communicate with Your Parents

The first thing we recommend is to chat with your parents about your intentions to move out on your own. Everyone’s situation is different and your reason for moving out on your own may be out of your control. No matter the reason, chat to your parents! They’ve been in the same position you’re in and they have your best interests at heart.

While they will be excited for you embarking on your new adventure, they’ll also be sorry to see you go, so make sure you give Mum and Dad or those caring for you lots of hugs before you flee the nest.


2. Figure out who you’ll be living with

The next step is to figure out who you’ll be living with. You might already know this one or you could still be deciding.

Whether it’s with a partner, some friends, a share house or you’re going out on your own, each situation is different and has different costs. You will need to consider if you’ll be purchasing the furniture for the house by yourself or if you’ll be splitting it amongst friends or a partner.

If you’re doing it solo, then you also must consider the cost of utilities. While you will presumably be using less it will be cheaper, however you will have to cover the cost on your own, so it may work out to be a little more.

3. Consider your finances

The most important step in the process is considering your finances.

We highly recommend using Westpac’s budget planner to get a better understanding of where you’re at financially. Understanding your current budget will help you figure out how much rent you can afford and that will help you to find the ideal first home.

If you’re planning on purchasing your new home, then we suggest reaching out to a lender at your local Westpac branch or call 132 558 and speak to one of our friendly staff. We also have a number of helpful resources for understanding your borrowing power, the buying process and more available here.

4. Finding A Place

By now you should have an idea of what kind of place you can afford so its time to start looking!

There are a few things you need to consider. Firstly, the budget and what you and potentially your housemates can afford to pay a week in rent. You should also think about what location is ideal for you. Is it close to work? Close to friends and family? Think about what’s important to you and go from there.

You should also think about what you’re looking for in a house or apartment. Does it have enough space? Can it accommodate your car if you have one? Will you have pets?

If you’re on the hunt for a new place here’s a few good sites to get you started


It is also common to find rooms listed on Facebook Marketplace and Gumtree as well as lease transfers. Have a look and see if there are any Facebook groups available in your area. (Like Fairy Floss Real Estate in Melbourne)

5. Prepare for the move

Once you’ve been approved for a place then its time to prepare for the big move. If you can afford it, look into hiring some removalists as it will make the moving process a breeze. If you’re moving on a budget, recruit the help of some friends and hire a moving truck.

Now is also the perfect time to start clearing out your wardrobe. If you have some old clothes you haven’t worn in a while, consider donating them to an op shop or selling them via an online marketplace. The same goes for any other items you may have.

6. Set up utilities

It’s now time to set up the utilities in your new place. Most energy providers in Australia provide connection services for you so all you’ll need to do is sign up and let them know the move in date. Shop around for the plan that best suits your needs.

The same goes for other utilities such as internet. Shop around and see which plan best suits you and your needs.

7. Change your address

Now’s the time to let everyone know you’ve moved.

To make sure you’re receiving all your mail, and everyone knows where you are, you should contact the relevant organisations and let them know.

Here’s some of the most common ones.

  • Australia Post
  • Insurance Providers
  • Banks
  • Workplace
  • ATO
  • Online shopping sites
  • Clubs & Organisations

There may be more depending on your situation so consider all the organisations that you regularly deal with and go from there.


The last step is to pop the champagne and celebrate!

Moving out on your own two feet is a massive achievement and you should be proud.

Don’t forget that Westpac is here to help every step of the way. Whether its through a Home Loan if your purchasing or just some helpful advice regarding your finances, we’re here for you.

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Things you should know

This information is general in nature and has been prepared without taking your objectives, needs and overall financial situation into account. For this reason, you should consider the appropriateness for the information to your own circumstances and, if necessary, seek appropriate professional advice.

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