Westpac Margin Loan
Why choose a Westpac Margin Loan?
Designed for both non-advised and advised investors, the Westpac Margin Loan is our full-featured margin loan product.
Choice of broker
Trade with any broker of your choosing or utilise one of our approved Platforms
Investment options
Borrow against a wide range of acceptable listed securities and managed funds
Online access
24/7 online access to view and manage your account online via our portal.
Repayments and fees
Flexible repayments with no set principal repayment schedule, transaction limits, or fees.
Eligible borrowers
- Individuals or joint borrowers, aged over 18 years and residing in Australia
- Individual Australian trustees for family or discretionary trusts
- Australian companies
- Australian company trustees for family or discretionary trusts
Establishment fees
No application or establishment fees
Choice of acceptable securities
Choose from more than 500 listed securities and 1,900 managed funds with loan-to-value ratios (LVRs) between 35% to 75%. More information can be found on the Acceptable Securities page.
Minimum credit limit and loan amount
Minimum credit limit of $20,000, no minimum loan amount
Call options
Westpac Margin Loan customers can sell covered call options against shares held on the margin loan. Options accounts can be linked by obtaining the services of an approved options broker (PDF 113KB).
Tools to manage your loan
- 24/7 online access to view and manage your account online
- Buffer alerts
- Electronic margin call notifications
Potential risks
All investments are subject to risk. Some of the main risks associated with taking out a margin loan include:
- Borrowing to invest can increase your potential returns, however it can also increase potential losses.
- The value of securities may not go up, or if they do, the increase in value may not be sufficient to cover the costs of the investment.
- You need to ensure that you can fund your obligations under your loan, including any interest, fees, and charges. If you can’t, the securities will be sold to satisfy these obligations.
- You should also consider the taxation consequences and seek independent professional tax advice.
Acceptable securities
Explore our wide range of acceptable listed securities.
Things you should know
Westpac Margin Lending Facility Agreement (PDF 418KB)
Westpac Margin Loan Product Disclosure Statement (PDF 269KB)
BT Securities Limited Financial Services Guide (PDF 289KB)
BT Securities Limited ABN 84 000 720 114 and Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141 are together the issuers of the Westpac Margin Lending Margin Loan - Product Disclosure Statement ('PDS'). This information has been prepared without taking into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs so, before acting on it, you should consider its appropriateness in regard to these factors. The PDS and other disclosure documents are relevant when deciding whether to acquire or hold this product and can be obtained by phoning 1800 816 222 or online at www.westpac.com.au.