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How to:

How to transfer money from another bank

If you want to transfer money to your savings account from a different bank, here’s the details you’ll need:


  • BSB
  • Account number
  • Account name

Account details

Finding your account details is as easy as signing into Westpac Online Banking

Once you’ve signed in, you’ll see the details of any Westpac accounts you have. Take a look at your new Westpac savings account and you’ll see a 12 digit number:

  • Your BSB number is the first 6 numbers
  • Your account number is the remaining 6 numbers

Account name

What about your account name?

That’s an easy one – this is the name you used to open the account, in most cases your own name.

How to transfer money between your accounts

The easiest way to get your savings growing is to transfer money directly into your savings account from another Westpac account. 



In the Westpac App

  1. Tap the $ symbol at the bottom of the screen
  2. Select Transfer between accounts
  3. Select the From account
  4. Select the To account
  5. Enter the amount and tap Today to select the date and frequency
  6. Tap Transfer to pay now or Schedule to pay later

In Online Banking

  1. Go to Payments > Transfer funds
  2. Select the account to transfer From
  3. Select the account to transfer To
  4. Enter the Amount, Date and Frequency
  5. Select Continue
  6. Review your funds transfer details and select Confirm


How to set up a regular savings plan

If you really want to get your savings growing, you could set up a regular transfer into your account.



In the Westpac App

  1. Tap the $ symbol at the bottom of the screen
  2. Select Transfer between accounts
  3. Select the From account
  4. Select the To account
  5. Enter the amount and tap Today to select the date and frequency
  6. Tap Schedule

In Online Banking

  1. Go to Payments > Transfer funds
  2. Select the account to transfer From
  3. Select the account to transfer To
  4. Enter the Amount, Date and Frequency
  5. Select Continue
  6. Review your funds transfer details and select Confirm



Turbocharge your balance with Savings Goals

Set up to 6 Savings Goals

Change the savings amount, date and category across all your goals, adjusting them at any time in the Westpac App.

Put savings on autopilot

Set up recurring transfers from your transaction account on paydays to automatically split your savings across your goals.


Invite others to join your goal

Share your goal with another Westpac customer or invite anyone from any bank to contribute by sending money to your account.

Things you should know

This information does not take your personal circumstances into consideration, read the terms and conditions available above and decide whether the products and services are appropriate for you.


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