Natural Disaster Recovery Grants
In times of natural disaster we are here to help communities respond, rebuild and recover. In fact the Bank of NSW, the predecessor of Westpac Group, launched the first disaster relief fund in Australia to help victims of the Hawkesbury River flood in NSW in 1817-18.
Our National Disaster Recovery Fund, established in 2013, provides grants to community organisations delivering local community resilience and long-term recovery programs. More recently we have partnered with Foundation for Regional and Rural Renewal to provide grants to local communities to support their rebuild and recovery efforts.
Helping our communities become disaster resilient
Since 2012 Westpac has been a member of the Australian Business Roundtable for Disaster Resilience and Safer Communities. The Roundtable works together with business and community organisations to research ways to reduce the impacts of natural disasters and make our communities safer.
Helping customers impacted by natural disaster
Westpac’s Disaster Relief Package is available for customers who are suffering hardship as a result of natural disasters such as bushfires and flood.
Disaster Relief Packages aim to offer immediate practical help to assist customers to manage the impact of natural disasters on their finances.