Export collection negotiations
Managing receivables before your goods reach their destination
Short term post-shipment finance
We can provide you with short term, post-shipment finance by negotiating the bill of exchange for up to 100% of its face value. In addition, you can expect:
- A credit period of less than 180 days
- No minimum transaction value
- No payment delays – we will pay you upfront upon presentation of documents.
- Fixed term to match that of the underlying trade transaction (not to exceed 180 days)
- Interest can be charged on a discount (establishment) or yield (payment) basis.
- The terms of the negotiation will match that of the underlying trade transaction as long as this doesn't exceed 180 days
- A credit assessment will be undertaken so that we can supply a credit limit based on your trade needs
- If the bill or documents forwarded overseas for payment are refused or dishonoured, we have recourse to you.
Arrange for Westpac’s bill of exchange negotiations process by:
- Calling our International Trade Solutions team on 1300 139 152
- Contacting your Relationship Manager.
Transact online through WinTrade
- If you’re a Westpac customer with WinTrade access, you can transact online.
- If you require WinTrade access, call our International Trade Solutions team on 1300 139 152.
Things you should know
Overdraft facilities are subject to application and Westpac's lending assessment criteria. Fees and charges may apply to the products and services listed. Full details of the Terms and Conditions for this product are available on request.