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Nearly half of Australians were only just making ends meet in 2023/24* 

When should I ask about financial hardship support?

  • "I'm worried about money"
  • "I can’t make my repayments"
  • "I’m struggling to pay my bills"
  • "I've lost some income" 
  • "I'm living paycheck to paycheck"
  • “I’m impacted by a natural disaster”

If any of these sound like you – and you have a Westpac home loan, credit card or personal loan – please get in touch. 


The sooner we chat, the sooner we can help

Call Assist on 1800 067 497 Mon-Fri 8:30am-8:00pm, Sat 9:30am-6pm, Sydney time

More ways we can help you get back on track

If you’re comfortable paying repayments and bills, you can explore more options.

Lower your mortgage stress

Money worries can affect the emotional and physical wellbeing of any homeowner. Whether you’re struggling or comfortable with your repayments, let’s assess your situation.

Money management tools in your app

Find a range of tools, including budget planner, bills calendar, spend categories and savings finder.

Catch up on a missed payment

Are you able to catch up the overdue amount and maintain your repayments going forward? You can choose to make the full overdue amount in one payment, or spread out into smaller, more manageable amounts.

Combine your debts

Haven’t missed a payment? Bringing several debts into a single account and rate could help you get back on track.

Understand your financial position

We can help you to work out how you’re going and offer suggestions.

Master your money

Want to feel more empowered about your money choices? Check out these simple cost of living tools, tips and tricks.

Learn more on how to catch up on a missed payment

Support beyond your bank

Get in touch with a free financial counsellor

If you're at all worried about money, this helpline offers free, independent, and confidential financial counselling to help assess and manage your situation.

Money Smart

A website from the Australian Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC), provides links and resources for general financial wellbeing. If you’re looking for some independent advice, it can help point you in the right direction.


Makes it easy for you to understand how your credit choices impact what info credit providers will report, what info they can access, and how you can be in control of your credit information.

Find out more

Things you should know