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Take the mystery out of your purchases

You might not always recognise a transaction on your statement as businesses sometimes trade under a different name to the one they registered. By using the Look Who’s Charging feature, you’ll see more details like: 

  • The trading name and logo
  • A map of the transaction location
  • An address, phone number, and website if available



Recognise the merchant but not the transaction?

Sometimes a transaction results from a misunderstanding and is easily resolved with a call to the merchant. If you've already contacted the merchant and still can't resolve the issue, dispute it in Online Banking or the Westpac App.

How to identify unknown transactions

In the Westpac App

  1. Tap the account
  2. Tap the transaction to view more details

In Online Banking

  1. Select the account
  2. Select the transaction to view more details



Still can’t recognise a transaction?

If you’ve unsure about a charge, a temporary card lock will keep your card secure without cancelling your card. This will give you time to look for similar transactions or speak to the merchant. If you can't find an answer, Contact us for further investigation, knowing your card is secure. 

Search for previous transactions

Looking for a transaction, payment or deposit? Search for up to 3 years of transaction history. You can find your previous transactions by searching for:

  • A certain date
  • A description
  • An amount(s)
  • Type of payment (Debit or Credit)
  • Account balance

How to view or search for a transaction

In the Westpac App

  1. Tap an Account
  2. Tap the magnifying glass icon
  3. Search by name, date or amount


You can also search for transactions for up to 5 accounts using Smart Search.

In Online Banking

  1. Select an Account
  2. Search by description, date or amount

Need a Proof of balance or Recent transactions report?

Whether you're applying for a home loan or government support, chances are you’ll need to provide a Proof of balance or Recent transactions report to confirm your account balance or transactions.

Find out how to download

Things you should know

Read the Westpac Online Banking Terms and Conditions (PDF 1MB) at before making a decision and consider whether the product is right for you.


This information is general in nature and has been prepared without taking your objectives, needs and overall financial situation into account. For this reason, you should consider the appropriateness for the information to your own circumstances and, if necessary, seek appropriate professional advice.

The merchant information has been provided by Look Who's Charging. Westpac cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information. Found a mistake or something missing in these merchant details? Send them a message.

Westpac Mobile Banking applications are only available for use by Westpac Australia customers. Internet connection is needed to access Westpac Online Banking and the Westpac App. Normal mobile data charges apply. ​

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