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It’s simple to change your business statement preferences in Online Banking or the Westpac App.

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How do I change my business statement preferences?

In the Westpac App

Before trying these instructions make sure you update to the latest version of the app.  

  1. Tap Profile, then tap Settings
  2. Under Communication, tap Statements
  3. Select an account and choose eStatement or Paper statement

Classic Westpac App 

  1. Tap Self serve in the menu bar 
  2. Tap eStatement settings and select an account 
  3. Tap eStatement or Paper statement then tap Update
  4. You can also update your email address

In Online Banking

Sole Trader

  1. Go to Service > Preferences > Statements
  2. Select an account to update 
  3. Select eStatement or Paper statement then Save

Business Network 

  1. Go to Administration > Statement settings 
  2. Select eStatement or Paper statement for each account


If you can’t see an Administration tab, you’re either not an Administrator or your account is set up as a Sole Trader. 

If your business network only requires one Administrator to perform admin tasks, your statement preference will now be active. If your Online Banking is set up to need more than one approval, the extra Approvers required will need to: 

In the Westpac App

Before trying these instructions make sure you update to the latest version of the app.  

  1. Tap Business, then tap Approvals
  2. Select the Other tasks tab and approve any pending tasks

In Online Banking

  1. Select the Approval button near the Sign Out button
  2. Select the Other tasks tab. You’ll see the statement settings waiting approval

How do I view statements online?

In the Westpac App

Before trying these instructions make sure you update to the latest version of the app.  

  1. Select an account 
  2. Scroll down and tap Documents
  3. From the list select Statements and select a statement to view

Classic Westpac App 

  1. In the menu bar, tap Self serve
  2. Under Statements and reports, select Statements
  3. Select an account from the list and select a statement to view

In Online Banking

  1. Go to Overview and select Statements
  2. Select an account from the drop-down list and select the statement to view. 

You can also enter a statement number or a date range of your choosing (of up to 7 years prior). 

How do I approve any changes to my business statement preferences?

In the Westpac App

Before trying these instructions make sure you update to the latest version of the app.  

  1. Tap Business, then tap Approvals
  2. Select the Other tasks tab and tap Approve or Reject for any pending tasks

Classic Westpac App 

  1. Tap on the hamburger menu bar 
  2. Tap Approvals then tap Admin
  3. Select Approve or Reject

In Online Banking

  1. Select Approval in the top right-hand corner 
  2. Select the Administration tab  
  3. Choose Approve or Reject


You will know if your Business statement preference change has been successful when you see a confirmation message listed at the top of your screen.

FAQs on business statements

If an account is not eligible for eStatements, the paper statement option will appear. Accounts currently not available for eStatements are business joint accounts, business loans and complex accounts. You must also have a valid email address registered for your business to be able to receive eStatements.