What happens if my Android phone is lost or stolen?
There are 4 main options if your Android phone is lost or stolen:
Lock your Android Phone
Using Android Device Manager you can place a lock on your phone. This will stop your Android phone being used to make payments without your unlocking code being entered on the phone. This will mean that if you find your phone you can unlock your phone to use Google Pay. Your phone will need to have network connectivity for the lock to be applied. This will allow you to continue to use your card.
Remote Factory Reset of your Android Phone
Using Android Device Manager you can perform a remote factory reset of your Android phone. This will clear all content from your phone including your Virtual Account Number. Your phone will need to have network connectivity for the lock to be applied. This will allow you to continue to use your card.
Lock Card Temporarily
You can use Westpac Live Online Banking or Mobile Banking to lock your card temporarily or call us to place your card on hold. This will stop all payments (for up to 14 days) on your card account including Google Pay. This will be effective even if your phone does not have network connectivity.
Cancel Card
You can use Westpac Online Banking, Westpac Live Mobile Banking to cancel your card and request a new one. This will stop all payments on your card account including Google Pay. This will be effective even if your phone does not have network connectivity.