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How does PartPay affect my Autopay?

Autopay for PartPay will pay your PartPay instalments. The first payment will be around the time of purchase, the next three payments will be over the following three fortnights. You need to set up a separate PartPay Autopay when you turn on PartPay - even if you already have Autopay set up to make other payments on your credit card account.

You can also amend existing PartPay Autopay as often as you need, go to your PartPay Card in Cards Hub, tap on Payment Options then Autopay. From here, you can also set up Autopay for a non-Westpac account.​

You will need to have an active and valid Autopay to continue making PartPay purchases. You can change your nominated Autopay account to any eligible transaction or offset account at any time within the Westpac app. You should consider the terms and conditions of the transaction or offset account linked to your PartPay Autopay to confirm how direct debit payments may affect that account. If your PartPay Autopay is dishonoured or if there are insufficient funds for repayment, you may be charged a fee or incur interest in your transaction or offset account for having an overdrawn balance on that account or due to the PartPay Autopay being dishonoured.